Frequently Asked Questions

This should help give you some direction.
Why should I pay for professional artwork when I can just use clipart?
A custom logo makes a huge difference to potential clients. It's usually the first thing that consumers see and it greatly represents who you and your business are. Remember, your logo will be used on signs, business cards, flyers, vehicles, websites, etc. and will always be associated with you.  My design work extends beyond the mere imagery, to make sure that the artwork accurately represents your business and makes the best presentation and impression possible.

What is your typical design process?
I will create 2-4 designs and submit them to you for consideration. Once you have selected the one you like and give me any  feedback you may have, I can move forward with creating the actual logo. I'll submit it to you again and sometimes we go an extra step or two from there with some minor tweaks. Then it's finalized. I will provide your logo in Vector format artwork which can be scaled to any size possible. Other companies will usually  give you a Raster image (JPG, TIFF, BMP, etc.) which cannot be scaled up without distorting or destroying the image altogether. There is a similar process for brochures and some of the printed collateral as well.
What is "Branding" and how can I use it?
Branding is how you present your business to the public. Your logo, t-shirts, brochures, signage, and everything business related should have a unified and cohesive look and feel. I help you bring it all together to create a single, unified voice for your products or services.

What is "Social Media" and how can it help my business?
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc... are all examples of Social Media. In these times social media accounts for huge marketing and advertising opportunities. My job is to help take the mystery out of these platforms and make them simple for you. I can help you create a page, educate you on some aspects of posting and advertising and then you can run it. Or, I can help you with a subscription based approach where I create ads for the different social media platforms for you.
Does my business need a website?
Not necessarily. A bad looking website can do more harm than good. However, a website is the digital face of your brand. It can be your best salesperson, so naturally, it needs to be good. 48% of people said that web design was the number one way they determine the credibility of a business (VirtualWindow.com). In addition, first impressions of a website are 94% design-related (WebFX.com). That being said, if you do not have an updated website, you are missing out on a ton of potential business.
I can help you bring your current site up to speed, or help design an entirely new one for your particular business.

I have a business/product idea, but I'm not sure if it's feasible. Is there anything you can do?
Of course! I can listen and give you direct, unbiased feedback. If it's a direction that I can bring my considerable amount of skills to and help you with the next steps, I'll certainly do my best. But, I can also help you with new perspective and insight. One thing I excel at is thinking out of the box, seeing things from a unique perspective and offering ideas and solutions others haven't considered. I provide insightful critique's and offer helpful solutions or action plans.
I have artwork already, or a rough sketch of an idea. Does that mean you have to start from scratch?
Not at all! I can run with what you already have, but I will want to make sure that whatever we create, will serve you best in the end.

I'm a small business, I can't afford a lot in marketing. Can you still help?
Of course. I work on a sliding scale based on company size, and I love helping startups!

Did you have a question that you don't see here? Feel free to contact me in the form below and ask.
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